導(dǎo)讀:淮安的旅游景點英文名稱(有名的旅游景點英文) 淮安的旅游景點有哪些? 淮安哪些旅游景點介紹 求淮安旅游景點的中,英文介紹,越多越好,謝了。 關(guān)于淮安的英文介紹 淮安的著名景點有哪些 請問一下淮安有什么名勝古跡和旅游景點?
第一山:位于江蘇省盱眙縣淮河北路第一山公園? ??城在山中立,水在城邊繞,山水城相依。門票價格在:13元左右
第一山國家森林公園 第一山國家森林公園位于盱眙縣城區(qū)北部,得名于米芾所題“第一山”,是國家AAAA級景區(qū)。第一山景色秀美以一山占河山之奇秀,有林、泉、亭、宇之玲瓏,融儒、佛、道于一體。不光如此她還是一座歷史文化名山,早在漢朝,孔子的后裔孔安國為臨淮太守時,就在此創(chuàng)立了“崇圣書院”,歷朝歷代文人墨客都極為推崇,宋元以來,眾多的文人墨客、翰林學(xué)士、官府政要都慕名而來,留下了大量的碑刻和碑碣其中不乏蘇軾、陸游、楊萬里、米芾等名家之作。第一山題刻現(xiàn)為全國重點文物保護單位。園內(nèi)現(xiàn)存建筑包括:大成殿、淮山堂、翠屏堂、春晝亭、玻璃泉亭、明倫堂、摩崖石刻保護廊等。園內(nèi)的“第一山題刻”具有極高的歷史價值與藝術(shù)價值。公園對面是風(fēng)景迷人的沿淮風(fēng)光帶。
鐵山寺國家森林公園 鐵山寺森林公園占地為70.58平方公里,其中23.73平方公里的次生林海和群山環(huán)抱著的9平方公里的純凈的天泉湖,構(gòu)成了獨特的小氣候環(huán)境。這里繁衍生息著40多種野生動物,170多種鳥類,280多種樹木,近千種植物和800多種中草藥,其中絕大多數(shù)為南北地域邊緣物種,是天然的動植物基因庫。公園內(nèi)自然景觀和人文景觀都頗具特色,讓人既可以領(lǐng)略獨特的大自然風(fēng)光,使人心曠神怡,又可探求科學(xué)的奧密,還可以感受這里歷史文化的厚重。
缽池山公園 缽池山公園位于淮安市區(qū)的東南側(cè),緊鄰翔宇大道,交通、休閑、購物十分便利。公園占地1800余畝,2005年建成,是淮安市最大的綜合性公園,也是江蘇省第四屆園博會會址。
楚秀園 楚秀園是為淮安市一座旅游綜合性公園,它位于繁華的東大街南側(cè),占地面積約48公頃,1989年10月1日正式對外開放。園內(nèi)自北向南有雷湖、里湖、西湖、南湖四個湖泊,水色秀麗,環(huán)境幽雅,又因淮安舊時屬楚,故名:楚秀園。
五島公園 五島公園位于漣水縣城中心,由漣漪湖和五個島組成,總面積1283畝。其中水面846畝,陸地437畝。漣漪湖形成于清乾隆五十一年(1786年)的大水災(zāi),當時黃河北岸湯工決口,沖破安東城西門,沖毀縣后街,大水過后,在縣署北邊形成了一個湖,俗稱后澳,后改名為漣漪湖,在水中一些倒塌的高大建筑廢墟露出水面,便形成小島,建國前后,通過多次整修,將湖上的五? ??不規(guī)則、不相連的小島建成了逶迤相連、風(fēng)景秀美的五島公園。這五個島由東向西依次排列,分別為豐樂島、同樂島、后主島、米公島、夕照島。
古淮河文化生態(tài)景區(qū) 古淮河文化生態(tài)景區(qū)是國家4A級景區(qū)、全國低碳旅游示范區(qū)、江蘇自駕游基地。景區(qū)是一處生態(tài)優(yōu)良、景觀優(yōu)美的生態(tài)型園林景區(qū),景區(qū)內(nèi)建有中國淮揚菜文化博物館、中國西游記博覽館、中國城市化史館、淮安國際攝影藝術(shù)館等一批文化旅游項目。景區(qū)將藝術(shù)與歷史、生態(tài)與文化完美融合,是游人領(lǐng)略淮安深厚歷史文化以及享受淮揚美食的生態(tài)旅游勝地。
洪澤湖 洪澤湖,中國第四大淡水湖。在江蘇省西部淮河下游,蘇北平原中部西側(cè),淮安、宿遷兩市境內(nèi),地理位置在北緯33o06′—33o40′,東經(jīng)118o10′—118o52′之間,為淮河中下游結(jié)合部。原為淺水小湖群,古稱富陵湖,兩漢以后稱破釜塘,隋稱洪澤浦,唐代始名洪澤湖。1128年以后,黃河南徙經(jīng)泗水在淮陰以下奪淮河下游河道入海,淮河失去入海水道,在盱眙以東潴水,原來的小湖擴大為洪澤湖。
清晏園 清晏園位于淮安市區(qū)人民南路之西側(cè),環(huán)城路之北側(cè)。是我國治水和漕運史上唯一保存完好的衙署園林,國家3A級旅游景區(qū),全國文保單位,國家水利風(fēng)景區(qū),有”江淮第一園“之稱。是蘇北地區(qū)最有代表性的古典園林。她揉北方的開闊與南方的玲瓏于一處,使游人于玩樂中得到美的享受。
里運河 里運河是京杭大運河最早修鑿的河段,介于長江和淮河之間,北接中運河,南接江南運河,長170余公里,流經(jīng)江蘇省淮安市和揚州市,自清江浦至瓜洲古渡入長江。
勺湖 因形似一把勺子而得名,如今已辟為勺湖公園,湖濱有一四層佛塔,湖光塔影,引人入勝。勺湖先前有十景,現(xiàn)今已恢復(fù)的景點有:“勝境長廊”、“勺湖書院”、“飄然一葉”、“金鯉戲波”、“曲橋鐘鳴”等。另外,還有“澗谷流云”、“梅花春曉”、“勺堤垂柳”及“義霞落櫻洲”等景點,它們各具特色,美麗而迷人。
金湖荷花蕩 金湖荷花蕩――荷花最美的地方。地處金湖縣東南,美麗高郵湖畔,三面環(huán)湖相擁,生態(tài)環(huán)境優(yōu)美??偯娣e1.2萬畝,是全球最大、品種最全的觀荷園,國家AAA級旅游景區(qū)和全國< a href='/nongyelvyou/' target=_blank>農(nóng)業(yè)旅游示范點。盛夏時節(jié)“接天蓮葉無窮碧,映日荷花別樣紅”,觀荷、品酒、賞月、茗茶讓人感受“酒沽橫蕩橋頭月、茶煮青山廟后泉”的勝境,回味無窮。
周恩來故居 周恩來故居位于中國歷史文化名城江蘇省淮安市淮安區(qū)駙馬巷7號。1988年1月13日國務(wù)院批準列入第三批全國重點文物保護單位名單。1996年被國家教委、民政部、文化部、國家文物局、共青團中央、解放軍總政治部命名為“全國中小學(xué)愛國主義教育基地”;2005年被國家確定為全國百家紅色旅游經(jīng)典景區(qū)之一。
吳承恩故居 吳承恩故居,是明代杰出的文學(xué)家、世界文化名人、《西游記》作者吳承恩的故居,坐落在淮安市淮安區(qū)河下古鎮(zhèn)的打銅巷巷尾。河下地處淮城西北部,背靠里運河。故居為古樸典雅的青磚小院,內(nèi)有書房等建筑。吳承恩故居以成為著名旅游景點,接待著成千上萬的海內(nèi)外游客。
韓信故里 韓信故里位于淮安市淮陰區(qū)境內(nèi)?;搓幰蚓踊此隙妹?,自秦置縣(公元前 221年)有2200多年歷史,是貫通南北的大運河上的重要都市之一?;搓幾怨琶溯叧?,素有“入京孔道”之稱。李白、杜甫、白居易、劉長卿、蘇軾等歷代文人墨客在古淮陰留下許多華美的詞章?;搓幙h治所在地設(shè)在淮安區(qū),因此淮安區(qū)是古淮陰的代名詞,這里古跡甚多,歷史上寺廟達81處之多。著名的大軍事家韓信就出生于這里。如今淮安的歷史遺跡得到很好的修復(fù),深厚的歷史文化象陳封千年的美酒,恭候各位嘉賓前來品嘗。
漕運府衙,漕運博物館,韓侯祠(韓信故居),周恩來故居,周恩來紀念館,關(guān)天培故居,東岳廟,勺湖公園,河下古鎮(zhèn),劉鶚(老殘游記作者)故居,還有還有·····絕對正宗的淮揚美食······· 周恩來紀念館,童年讀書處,故居,吳承恩故居,韓信故里,河下古鎮(zhèn),關(guān)天培故居,清晏園,明祖陵,第一山,鐵山寺,天泉湖,缽池山,漕運博物館,淮揚菜博物館,櫻花園,柳樹灣,
Huai'an (Chinese: 淮安; pinyin: Huái'ān), known as Huaiyin (Chinese: 淮陰; pinyin: Huáiyīn) before 2001, is a prefecture-level city in northern Jiangsu province, People's Republic of China. It borders Suqian to the northwest, Lianyungang to the north, Yancheng to the east, Yangzhou to the southeast, and the province of Anhui to the southwest.
The prefecture-level city of Huai'an administers 8 county-level divisions, including 4 districts and 4 counties.
Chuzhou District (楚州區(qū))
Huaiyin District (淮陰區(qū))
Qinghe District (清河區(qū))
Qingpu District (清浦區(qū))
Jinhu County (金湖縣)
Xuyi County (盱眙縣)
Hongze County (洪澤縣)
Lianshui County (漣水縣)
These are further divided into 127 township-level divisions, including 84 towns, 33 townships and 10 subdistricts.
Ancient China
The area of Huai'an spans over ancient canal of Huai River and the name of Huai'an takes the hope of the residents for lasting peaceful Huai River.
Pre-History Chinese mythology recounts that Yu the Great, the Chinese leader with a legendary ability for flood control techniques, was constantly taming the Huai River here in Huai'an area.
Traces of the activities of ancient Chinese living in about 5000 to 6000 years ago have been found in the area. The most famous one is the Qingliangang Hill Civilization.
Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasty
The borough area had been properly developed, and was leading China in convenience of transportation and irrigation. Gangou Drain (the section between Huaiyin and Yangzhou of the Grand Canal of China) connected the Yangtze River and the Huai He delta region. The Qian Road and Shan Road that traversed the region reached Southern and Northern China. Thus, Huaiyin was critical area for several strong states in Spring and Autumn period. The region was occupied by the Wu, Yue and Chu states, one after another.
Qin and Han Dynasty
After Qin Dynasty consolidated all states in China, County System was promoted throughout China. Huaiyin County (Matou Town of Huaiyin District today), Xuyi Country (Northern town of Xuyi County today), Dongyang (Maba of Xuyi County today) was built in the region today.
In a movement of rebelling farmers during the later years of Qin Dynasty, the people of Huai'an supported the rebel forces, including the famous militia Han Xin who was highly honored for his bravery and meritorious deeds.
In the epoch of West Han Dynasty, Huaipu County (Western Lianshui County today), Sheyang County (Southeast of Chuzhou District today) and Fulin County (under the water of Hongze Lake today) were built.
During the Qin and Han Dynasty, great improvements, especially in irrigation, were made to agriculture and manufacturing. In the later years of East Han Dynasty, the Governor of Guanglin, Cheng Deng, built the Gaojiayang Levees (Hongze Lake Levees today). 30 miles in total, which kept out flood waters, and protected farmlands. He also built Pofu Pool for farm irrigation. Iron-made apparatus and bull-farming were widespread. Though a few wars and battles took place, agriculture, transportation and logistics made fair progress. The express way built by the first Qin Emperor went through the region, and the West Way of Gaogou Drain built by Cheng Deng, improved traffic between Yangtze and Huai He area.
The site of the prefecture headquarter in imperial time
Jiaotong Pagoda
Gate tower in Huai'anHandicrafts and business also developed during this period, while culture and the arts were at high levels, as well. Home-teaching and private schools flourished in Han Dynasty and many famous artists appeared, for example, the Han-text composers Mei Chen and Mei Gao, and Chen Lin, one of the Seven Scholars of Jian'an.
Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties
Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties
Song and Yuan Dynasty
Mi ng and Qing Dynasty
[edit] R.O.China
[edit] Since P.R.China
Whole area of Huaiyin was occupied by Chinese communist army in December 1948 and became the territory of P.R.China.
District of Huaiyin
District of Huaiyin was established on April 21, 1949, operating 10 counties, which were: Huaiyin, Huaibao (built of west parts of Huai'an and Baoyin section of the Grand Canal of China and county office located at town of Chahe), Siyang, Shuyang, Guanyun, Suqian, Suining, Xin'an (built of parts of Shuyang and Suqian and county office located at town of Xin'an), Pisui (built of southern Longhai Road of Pixian and northern Suining and county office located at town of Tushan) and Lianshui. The district office was at Huaiyin County.
Huaibao County was dissolved on May 12, 1950 to Huaiyin, Huai'an and Baoyin County (belonging to District of Yangzhou). And District of Huaiyin had 9 counties then.
The city area of Huaiyin County was separated as Qingjiang City on December 18, 1950 and District of Huaiyin then had 1 city and 9 counties.
With the establishment of Jiangsu Province in January 1953, District of Huaiyin was transferred to the province. Xin'an County was renamed to Xinyi County and county office of Pisui was moved to town of Yunhe. District of Huaiyin then had Qingjiang City and 9 counties, Huanyin, Lianshui, Guanyun, Siyang, Shuyang, Xinyi, Suqian, Pisui and Suining. The district office was sited at Qingjiang City. Later in the year, Suining, Pisui and Xinyi was given to District of Xuzhou and then District of Huaiyin had one city and six counties.
Qingjiang City was promoted to prefectual level of Jiangsu Province though was still operated by District of Huaiyin. Soon the district was joined by Huai'an County from District of Yancheng and in December by Sihong County from District of Suxian and Xuyi County from District of Chuxian in Anhui Province. The amount of all counties belonging to District of Huaiyin was 9.
In 1956 Hongze County was created from parts of Sihong, Huaiyin and Xuyi County with the county office sited at town of Gaoliangjian. The amount of counties then was 10.
In 1957 Xin'an Administrative Office was built from joint parts of Guanyun and Lianshui County and soon later renamed to Guannan County. The counties number reached 11.
Huaiyin County was merged in 1958 to Qingjiang City which was renamed to Huaiyin City and operated by District of Huaiyin, which had one city and 10 counties then.
However in 1964, Huaiyin City was renamed back to Qingjiang City and Huaiyin County was restored but the county office was sited in Qingjiang City.
Xuyi County was transferred to District of Luhe in 1966 and District of Huaiyin then had one city and 10 counties.
Huaiyin Region
District of Huaiyin was renamed to Huaiyin Region in 1970 with the region office sited at Qingjiang City, operating Qingjiang City and 10 counties, which were Guanyun, Guannan, Shuyang, Suqian, Siyang, Lianshui, Huaiyin, Huai'an, Hongze and Sihong.
Xuyi County was returned by Luhe Region in 1971 as well as new transferred Jinhu County. Then one city and 12 counties belonged to Huaiyin Region.
In 1975 the office of Huaiyin County was relocated at the town of Wangyin.
Huaiyin City
Qingjiang City was renamed to Huaiyin City again in 1983 and operated directly by Jiangsu Province with the end of Huaiyin Region. Meanwhile 11 counties, which were Guannan, Shuyang, Suqian, Siyang, Lianshui, Huaiyin, Sihong, Huai'an, Hongze, Xuyi and Jinhu, was transferred to new Huaiyin City while Guanyun County to Lianyungang City. The municipal area of Huaiyin City was split into two districts, Qinghe and Qingpu. Then 11 counties and 2 districts were belonging to Huaiyin City.
Suqian and Huai'an County was promoted to county-level cities in December 1987 by the order approved by Department of State, then renamed to Suqian and Huai'an City respectively. At the moment, Huaiyin City was operating 2 cities, 9 counties and 2 districts.
Suqian City was promoted to prefectual level of Jiangsu Province in 1996 and Shuyang, Siyang and Sihong County was transferred to Suqian City while Guannan County to Lianyungang City. After the adjustment, Huaiyin City had 5 counties, which were Huaiyin, Lianshui, Jinhu, Hongze and Xuyi, and 2 districts, Qinghe and Qingpu and was operating Huai'an City.
Huai'an City
By the order approved by Department of State on December 21, 2000, Huaiyin City was renamed to Huai'an City with the city office sited at Qinghe District while Chuzhou District was established from original Huai'an City with the district office at town of Huaichen and Huaiyin District was established from original Huaiyin County with the district office at town of Wangyin. The county borders were also be slightly modified.
Now Huai'an City are operating over 4 districts, Qinghe, Qingpu, Chuzhou and Huaiyin, and 4 counties, Xuyi, Lianshui, Jinhu and Hongze.
[edit] Notable people
Han Xin (died 196 BC), late Qin Dynasty military general under Liu Bang, enfeoffed the Marquess of Huaiyin.
Wu Cheng'en (1500–1582), Ming Dynasty novelist, author of the Journey to the West.
Guan Tianpei (January 8, 1781-February 26, 1841), Chinese national hero; martyred during the Opium Wars.
Zhou Enlai (1898–1976), prominent Communist Party of China leader, Premier of the People's Republic of China since 1949 till death.
門票:成人票:6元 兒童票:3元
明祖陵位于江蘇省盱眙縣洪澤湖的西岸,是明太祖朱元璋的高祖、曾祖、祖父的衣冠冢及其祖父的實際葬地。朱元璋一統(tǒng)天下以后,于洪武十九年(公元1386年)在此地建祖陵,追封并重葬其祖父朱初一、曾祖朱四九和高祖朱百六三代帝后? ??次年在陵前建享殿,永樂十一年(公元1413年)朱棣又建欞星門及圍墻?!∶髯媪昃皡^(qū)作為全國重點文物保護單位,是旅游“4321”工程重要支撐之一。
淮安周恩來紀念館 紀念館
淮安府署 古代府署 建筑
吳承恩故居 名人故居
鐵山寺國家森林公園 公園
明祖陵 古代陵寢
中國漕運博物館 博物館
楚秀園 綜合性公園
淮安第一山 森林公園
古淮河文化生態(tài)景區(qū) 景區(qū)
老子山 道教名山
清晏園 衙署園林
洪澤湖大堤 古代水利建筑
淮安里運河文化長廊 景區(qū)
都梁公園 公園
淮安櫻花園 園區(qū)
五島公園 公園
荷花蕩 景區(qū)
勺湖公園 公園
淮安運河博物館 博物館
蘇皖邊區(qū)政府舊址 革命遺址
三河閘 景區(qū)
淮安周信芳故居 名人故居
淮安市博物館 博物館
中國西游記博物館 博物館
東陽城遺址 古遺址
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