

例文1:《Fox and cock 》
One morning a fox sees a cock.He think,This is my breakfast.'' He comes up to the cock and says,I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away. The people in the field see the fox.They cry,Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to the fox,Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.'' The fox opens his mouth ang says,The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.
一天早上,一只狐貍看到了一只公雞。他想,這是我的早餐。 他朝公雞走來,對他說:“我知道你能唱得很好聽,你能唱給我聽么?”公雞特別開心,他閉上眼睛開始唱歌。狐貍看到這里,抓住它放到自己的嘴里走了。

《Hercules and the waggoner》
A waggoner was once driving a heavy load on a very muddy road.
Suddenly the wheels of the wagon sank into the mire, and the horse could not pull them out.
The waggoner threw down his whip. He knelt down and prayed to Hercules. Hercules, help me,please, he said.
But Hercules appeared to him, and said, Man, don't kneel there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.
寓意: 當(dāng)我們遇到困難時(shí),不能只期望得到別人的幫助,而應(yīng)該首先依靠自己的力量。

一只小豬、一只綿羊和一頭乳牛,被關(guān)在同一個(gè)畜欄里。有一次,牧人捉住小豬,他大聲號叫,猛烈地抗拒。綿羊和乳牛討厭它的號叫,便說:“他常常捉我們,我們并不大呼小叫?!毙∝i聽了回答道:“捉你們和捉我完全是兩回事,他捉你們,只是要你們的毛和乳汁,但是捉住我,是要我的命的 ? ”

立場不同、所處環(huán)境不同的人,很難了解對方的感受;因此對別人的失意、挫折、傷痛 ,不宜幸災(zāi)樂禍,而應(yīng)要有關(guān)懷、了解的心情。要有寬容的心!

A pig, a sheep and a cow, was held in the same corral. Once, the shepherd caught piglets, he yells loudly, violently resisted. Sheep and cows hated it howl, said: he often catch us, we do not shout and wrangle. The piggy replied: catch you and capture is completely different from me, you catch him, but you want the hair and milk, but catch me, to my life?
A different position, different people's environment, it is difficult to understand each other's feelings; others so frustrated, frustration, pain, not take pleasure in other people's misfortune, but should be caring, understanding mood. Should have a tolerance of the heart!


小蝸牛:毛蟲姊姊沒有骨頭,也爬不快,為什么她卻不用背這個(gè)又硬又重? ?殼呢?



媽媽:因?yàn)轵球镜艿軙?huì)鉆土, 大地會(huì)保護(hù)他啊。



The little snail asked her mother: why we are born, it is necessary to bear this hard and heavy shell? Mom: because we don't have bones to support, can only climb, and climb unpleasant. So want to protect this shell! The little snail: caterpillars sister no bones, but also climb not and quickly, why she did not back the hard and heavy shell? Mom: because the Caterpillar sister can become a butterfly, the sky can protect her. Little snail: but brother earthworm has no bones climb not and quickly, will not become a butterfly he does not back this hard and heavy shell? Mom: because the earthworm younger brother will drill the earth, the earth will protect him. The little snail crying: we are so poor, not to protect the sky, not protection of the earth. Snail mother comforted him: so we have the shell! We do not rely on, nor rely on, we rely on our own.


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