
導(dǎo)讀:關(guān)于胡家廟旅游景點介紹英文的信息 濰坊英語導(dǎo)游詞 北京十大景點英文介紹 誰能告訴我,北京景點的英文旅游詞。不要故宮,天安門,長城,十三陵,頤和園,天壇,景泰藍和胡同的。 用英文說一些旅游景點




十笏園在山東濰坊市胡家牌坊街,很多游客慕名去參觀,導(dǎo)游要做好十笏園的解說,介紹十笏園景點的歷史典故給游客了解。下面是為大家?guī)淼?a href='/jingdian/3252' target=_blank>濰坊十笏園導(dǎo)游詞,希望可以幫助大家。








Shihu Garden is located in Hujia Archway Street, Weifang City, Shandong Province.

Manytourists will visit it. The tour guide will explain the Shihu Garden and introduce the

historical allusions of the Shihu Garden attractions to the tourists.

The following is a tour guide from Weifang Shihuyuan. I hope it can help everyone.

Chinese Qing Dynasty garden architecture. Also known as Dingjia Garden. Because of its

small footprint, Yu Ruo is as big as ten plate spinnings, hence its name.

Originally the former residence of the gentlemen of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the

eleventh year of the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty (1885), Weixian gentry Ding

Shanbao purchased as a private residence, repairing 3 old buildings in the north, named

Wuxiang Tower, excavating a pool, stacking rockery, and turning it into a garden.

In 1988, the State Council of the People's Republic of China announced that it was a

national key cultural relics protection unit. The existing park site is 70 meters deep from

north to south, 44 meters wide from east to west, and covers an area of 3,400 square


A row of "inverted seats" facing the street in the south. The front of the courtyard is

centered on a pool, and a quadruple courtyard is arranged around it.

There are 3 building axes in the east, middle, and west, with three or four entrances to

each courtyard.

Biyunzhai, the main building on the East Road, was originally the Ding's room; the main

building on the West Road was the Shufen Bookstore, Shenliu Reading Hall, Qiusheng

Hall, and Jingru Mountain House, which were Ding's private houses and guest rooms;

The middle road is the garden center. The Shihu grass painting is located in front of the

pool. The Sizhao Pavilion is located in the pool, and the Huoxiang Building and the North

Hall are at the end.

The east bank of the pool is stacked with half-walled rockery, and the top and foot of the

pool are equipped with pavilions such as Weixiu Pavilion, Luoxia Pavilion, Yilan Pavilion

and Wenru Boat.

The embankment of Taihu Lake is piled with natural banks, connecting Banbi Mountain

and the veranda in an arc shape.

A total of 24 pavilions, platforms, buildings, and pavilions were built along the three

roads, with 67 houses. Among them, Luoxiaxiang at the top of the mountain was added

after 1949.

In order to highlight the space effect in front of the Huoxiang Tower, the architectural

attractions such as Sizhao Pavilion, Wen Ru Zhou, Penglai San Xian Island, Wei Xiuting,

Yilan Pavilion, Xiaocang Langxiang, etc. are built on a small scale.

In terms of landscaping, the east of the pond is mainly based on the natural landscape of

the tomb, supplemented by the building; the west of the building is mainly based on the

real landscape of the building, supplemented by the imitation of natural revetments. ,

Jiangbei garden style private small garden.




紫荊城Forbidden City ( the Imperial Palace )


Beijing is an old capital city developing at a fast pace. The Forbidden City is the ideal place for you to begin your exploration of Beijing by opening its mysterious face.



Travel Tips:

Make sure to wear comfortable shoes as you have to walk a lot! I highly recommend you to have a guide. It is quite helpful to have a guide escort you and tell the stories behind the palace. If you are a non-group tourist, I suggest you rent a multi lingual guide recorder either at Meridian Gate (southern gate of Forbidden city) or the Gate of Divine Prowess (Northern gate of Forbidden City) and return it when you finish your Forbidden City Tour.

如何到達 How to get there:

地址Address: No.4 Jingshan Front Street, Dongcheng District

開放時間Opening Hour: 8:30-17:00

售票時間Ticket office hours: From 9: to 15:00 pm

行程Travel Time: Two hours Entrance

門票Fee: RMB 60

公交路線Buses to the Forbidden City: No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 52, 57, 22, 54, 120, 802, special bus No.1 and get off at Zhongshan Phongshan Park stop or Tiananmen stop. Take subway.

更多信息Check for more details: URL:

天安門Tiananmen Square


What is the most representative place in Beijing? The answers are various. But Tiananmen Square is unarguably on the top list. Lying in the heart of Beijing City, it is the place for massive parades and gathering. It boasts of the largest square of such kind in the world.


At sunrise and sunset the raising and lowering ceremony of the Chinese National Flag is well worth seeing. The young troops perform very well. Make sure to be there 30 minutes earlier to get a good standing point.

如何到達How to get there:

Buses to Tiananmen:

Take No.1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 52, 57, 22, 54, 120, 802, special bus No.1 and get off Zhongshan Park stop or Tian An Men stop. Take subway.

門票和時間Ticket fees and tour time:

天安門廣場Tiananmen Square: Free

天安門Tiananmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace): RMB 15

人民大會堂The Great Hall of the People: RMB 15

毛主席紀念堂Chairman Mao's Mausoleum: Free

中國國家博物館The National Museum of China: RMB 15

開放時間Opening Time (Tiananmen Square): Whole Day

旅程Travelling time: 2-4 hours


More information:

Ming Tombs ( 13 tombs in Ming Dynasty )



Located 50 kilometers northwest of the downtown Beijing, noted as the 13 Tombs, this is the burial area of 13 out of 17 emperors of the Ming Dynasty, the ruling dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644.


However, it is a very deep climb down and people with problems of their heart or kneels are not advised to visit the underground tomb. Wheel-chair users or people with some difficulty of action, I advise them to visit the Changling Tomb instead.

如何到達How to go there:

旅程Travel Time: 2 hours

旅游巴士路線Tourist Bus Route: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 門票Ticket Fees as below:

長陵墓Changling Tomb: RMB 30 (Nov.01 to Mar.31) / RMB 45 (Apr.01 to Oct.31)

定陵墓Dingling Tomb: RMB 40 (Nov.1 to Mar.31) / RMB 60 (Apr.1 to Oct.31)

開放時間Opening Time:

長陵墓Changling Tomb: 08:30 to 17:30

定陵墓Dingling Tomb: 08:30 to 18:00


Click here to know more:

Hutong Pedicab Tour ( Shichahai Area )



Do you want to experience a man-driving Pedicab? In today's well preserved old Beijing hutong areas, you can still find this kind of old transportation tool now still kept for tourists as the typical traffic tool of travelling the hutong - Beijing featuring old city alleys.


The neighbourhoods of narrow, twisting streets represent the real life of ordinary Beijingers, where passageways - small narrow ways link to courtyards of traditional connected homes.

如何到達How to go there:

Two Areas for Hutong Exploring:

什剎海地區(qū)Shichahai Area: north of Beihai Park

大柵欄地區(qū)Dazhalan Area: south of Tiananmen Square

三輪車Rickshaw: RMB 50-100

Great Wall at Badaling, Juyongguan, Mutianyu, Simatai and Jinshanling


不到長城非好漢,長城北邊主要有8大關(guān)組成: 八達嶺,居庸關(guān)黃花城,箭扣,慕田峪,古北口,金山嶺和司馬臺。長城大部分關(guān)口都保留完好,大修整時期可追溯到明朝。

Climbing the Great Wall is a must for you no matter how busy you are! In Beijing there are mainly eight sections of the Great Wall crossing the northern part of Beijing for 600 kms. The eight sections are Badaling, Juyongguan, Huanghuacheng, Jiankou, Mutianyu, Gubeikou, Jinshanling, and Simatai. Most of the sections of the Great Wall in Beijing are well-preserved and mainly the relics dating from the Ming Dynasty, the time for huge construction.


For the Great Wall hiking, get ready for strong footwear. For hot weather, please also prepare for sunblock, sunglasses and water. For cold days, get ready for your hat and heavy coat.

八達嶺Badaling Great Wall:

門票Ticket Fees: RMB40 (Nov. 01 to

Mar.31); RMB 45 (Apr. 01 to Oct. 31)

開放時間Open Hours: 06:40 to 18:30

旅程HikeTime: 2.5 hours

如何到達How to go there:

Take Bus 919. Or take a tourist bus:

No. 1 at Front Gate ( Qianmen );

No. 2 at Beijing Railway Station;

No. 3 at East Bridge;

No. 4 at Xizhi Gate or Beijing Zoo;

居庸關(guān)Juyongguan Great Wall:

門票Ticket Fee: RMB 45

開放時間Open Hours: 07:30 to 17:30

旅途用時Hike Time : 2.5 hours

如何到達How to go there:

乘坐觀光車Take tourist Bus Route as below:

Take No. 1 at Front Gate ( Qianmen )

Take No. 2 at Beijing Railway Station

Take No. 3 at East Bridge

Take No. 4 at Beijing Zoo or Xizhimen Gate

慕田峪Mutianyu Great Wall:

門票Ticket Fee: RMB35

開發(fā)時間Open Hours: 07:30 to 17:30

旅途Hike Time: 2.5 hours

如何到達How to go there: Take Bus no 916 or take tourist Bus No. 6 at Xuanwumen Gate

司馬臺Simatai Great Wall:

門票Ticket Fee: RMB 35

開放時間Open Hours: 08:00 to 17:00

旅程Hike Time: 2 hours

如何到達How to go there:

Take bus No.12 from Xuan Wu Gate directly to Simatai.

Take the 970 bus out of Beijing to Miyun and hire a taxi from there.

金山嶺Jinshanling Great Wall:

門票Entrance Fee: RMB 30

開放時間Opening Hours: 08:00 to 16:50

旅程Hiking time: 2 hours

如何到達How to go there

Take the 970 bus out of Beijing to Miyun and hire a taxi from there.

Lama Temple (Yonghegong)



Lama Temple is Beijing's most frequented religious place. It is comprised of five main halls and many galleries. This temple was first the palace offered to a prince. When he gained the throne, he offered it to the Tibetan Buddhists as the religious sacred place. The Lama Temple is dedicated to the Yellow Sect of Buddhism. It is actually an active temple, with many faithful belivers with burning armloads of incense.


How to go there:

地址Address: No.13 Imperial College Stree, Dongcheng District, Beijing

地鐵或公? ?Take subway or No.62, 13, 116 and special 2 bus and get off at Lama Temple

開放時間Open Time: 09:00-16:30

旅程Travel Time: 1.5 hours

門票Ticket Fee: RMB 20

Beihai Park ( Winter Palace )



Beihai Park was once a winter palace for emperors in the past. It is located just to the north-west of Forbidden City. Among many things to see, there are now two important things not to be missed here: the park itself and the round city. The round city has a jar, which is believed to be the only thing left from the great Khan that reigned China in Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368 A.D).


You can hire a rowboat and row the boat on the water. The interesting attractions in Beihai Park are Round City, White Pagoda, Jade Flower Island, Nine-Dragon Wall, Wanfo Lou Tower, Iron Screen etc. The lake is Beijing's biggest and prettiest public lake.

如何到達How to go there:

Wen Jin Street (northwest of the Forbidden City)

開放時間Open Time: 09:00-16:30

旅程Travel Time: 2 hours

從南門From the South Gate: 101、103、109、812、814、846

北門From the North Gate: 107、111、118、701、823

從東門From the East Gate: 5

Beijing Capital Museum



A trip to Beijing City is not complete without visiting its museums. There are a great number of museums dotting around the city. If you don't have much time available in Beijing, you can focus your museum tour to Beijing Capital Museum. Beijing's new Capital Museum is now open to the public, located on Fuxingmenwai Dajie, the western part of Beijing's Chang'an Jie. The museum is a five-storey mansion, catering for a maximum of 13 concurrent exhibitions, which can be seen in about 5 hours at the cost of 30 yuan per visitor.


How to get:



開放時間Open Time: 09:00-16:30

旅程Travel Time: 1.5 hours

閉館時間Black out date: Monday

地址ADD: Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Chang An Avenue

頤和園Summer Palace ( Yiheyuan )


Regarded as the largest imperial garden in China, Beijing's Summer Pa lace is in fact a park-styled royal retreat extending out over 10 square miles in northwest suburban Beijing.


Summer Palace is mainly comprised of Longevity Hill (Washoushan) and Kunming Lake. Much of the park is covered by Kunming Lake. With masterly design and artistic architecture integrating the highlight of Chinese garden arts, the Summer Palace has earned a title of "Royal Garden Museum". It is a royal garden most completely preserved with richest landscapes and large compact buildings. The Summer Palace was listed as the world cultural heritage in1998.

如何到達How to go there:

乘公交Take busses No.726, 826, 718, 332, 331 or 737 and get off at Yiheyuan Dongmen

點擊知道更多Click to know more:


地址Address: Yiheyuan (Summer Palace) Road, Haidian District 62881144-209

開放時間Open Time: 6:30-20:30

門票Ticket Fee: RMB 40 (low season) / RMB 50 (peak season)

天壇Temple of Heaven ( Tiantan )


Temple of Heaven is one of the real highlights of Beijing. It is situated in the southern Beijing City. It has been one of the most sacred sites for the whole country for the past five centuries. It worked as sacrificial compound buildings for the Ming and Qing emperors.



What's the intriguing by-production of the temple is that if you enter the Temple of Heaven in the early morning, you can find many people doing all types of kung fu and taiji and other morning exercises. Furthermore, many people happily play each other with music, songs or cards. You can also join them if you want. The most highlight part of the temple is the unique century-old trees. Some of the cypresses are over 600 years old! When once visiting the temple, Dr Henry Kissinger, said that the USA could rebuild the Temple of Heaven if it wanted, but it could not produce the trees!

如何到達How to go there:

Take 6, 20, 39 Buses

地址Address: on the east of Tianqiao, Chongwen District 67018866

開放時間Open Time: 6:00-21:00

旅程Tour Time: 1.5 hours

門票Ticket Fee: RMB 35


Beijing, Capital of china

Beijing is a city where the old cultural traditions and the modern civilization are well integrated. Each year thousands of visitors and tourists come to Beijing to enjoy and feel its unique culture and scenery.

Beijing is endowed with rare cultural heritage due to its long history. The Great Wall, one of the world wonders and the sole man-made architecture which can be seen from space, extends several hundred miles in Beijing. The poetic and picturesque Summer Palace is the classic works of the feudal dynasty garden. The Forbidden City is the most splendid group of imperial palace in the world. The temple of heaven is the place of worship for emperors of various dynasties of China as well as a splendid achievement of the Chinese ancient architectural art. The above four have been selected by the United Nations organization of education, Science and Culture as the world cultural heritage. What is typical of Beijing is hutong and the compound courtyard (old Beijing residential quarters), which are now disappearing. These streets and buildings witnessed ups and downs of the city and the people in the past centuries and are a typical symbol of the life of Beijing people.

Changes have taken place day by day in Beijing since China's reform and opening to the outside world is being deepened. As a popular saying goes around here, Beijing is growing taller with more and more high buildings younger with the people's life richer and more colorful. Beijing is advancing more rapidly with full confidence in the 21st century.

This is Beijing, old and young, full of attraction. It is our sincere hope that you will make best of your time here to visit more places and enjoy more scenery and we believe you will harvest a lot.


Beijing in Chinese means "capital in the north". Its establishment could be traced back to more than 3000 years ago. From 1272 to 1911, Beijing was the capital of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. After the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, Beijing is the capital of new China.


Yonghegong Lamasery (雍和宮)

The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan (圓明園遺址)

AncientBell Museum of The Great Bell Temple (大鐘寺古鐘博物館

Lugouqiao ( Marco Polo) Bridge (盧溝橋,馬可波羅橋)

Niujie Mosque (牛街清真寺

Prince Gong's Mansion (恭王府

Baiyunguan (White Cloud Taoist Temple) (白云觀)

Jietaisi (Ordination Terrace Temple ) (戒臺寺

The Site of Peking Man (周口店)

Shihua ( Stone Flower ) Cave 石花

The Eastern Qing Tombs (清東陵,在河北遵化

The Western Qing Tombs (清西陵,在河北易縣

Hongqiao Market (紅橋市場)

Winter Palace(Beihai Park) (北海公園)

Pan Jia Yuan (潘家園)

Liulichang (琉璃廠)


Asia 亞洲

Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山

Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵

Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吳哥窟

Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亞巴厘島

Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亞波羅浮屠

Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙

Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克比倫遺跡

Africa 非洲

Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及蘇伊士運河

Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水壩

Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔

The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼羅河

Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亞內(nèi)羅畢國家公園

Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角

Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠

Oceania 大洋

Great Barrier Reef, Australia 澳大利亞大堡礁

Sydney Opera House, Australia 澳大利亞悉尼歌劇院

Ayers Rock, Australia 澳大利亞艾爾斯巨石

Mount Cook, New Zealand 新西蘭庫克山

Europe 歐洲

Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople)

Turkey 土耳其索非亞教堂

Notre Dame de Paris, France 法國巴黎圣母院

Effiel Tower, France 法國艾菲爾鐵塔

Arch of Triumph, France 法國凱旋門

Elysee Palace, France 法國愛麗舍宮

Louvre, France 法國盧浮宮

Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany 德國科隆大教堂

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 意大利比薩斜塔

Colosseum in Rome, Italy 意大利古羅馬圓形劇場

Parthenon, Greece 希臘巴臺農(nóng)神廟

Red Square in Moscow, Russia 俄羅斯莫斯科紅場

Big Ben in London, England 英國倫敦大本鐘

Buckingham Palace, England 英國白金漢宮

Hyde Park, England 英國海德公園

London Tower Bridge, England 英國倫敦塔

Westminster Abbey, England ? ??國威斯敏斯特大教堂

The Mediterranean 地中海

America 美洲

Niagara Falls, USA 美國亞加拉大瀑布

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 美國夏威夷檀香山

Panama Canal 巴拿馬運河

Yellowstone National Park, USA 美國黃石國家公園

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA 美國紐約大都會藝術(shù)博物館

Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA 美國紐約自由女神像

Times Square, New York City, USA 美國紐約時代廣場

The White House, Washington DC., USA 美國華盛頓白宮

World Trade Center, New York City, USA 美國紐約世界貿(mào)易中心

Central Park, New York City, USA 美國紐約中央公園

Hollywood, California, USA 美國加利佛尼亞好萊塢

Disneyland, California, USA 加利佛尼亞迪斯尼樂園

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 美國內(nèi)華達拉斯威加斯


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