附近的公園有哪些景點介紹 附近的公園有哪些景點介紹英文

導(dǎo)讀:附近的公園有哪些景點介紹 附近的公園有哪些景點介紹英文 1. 附近的公園有哪些景點介紹英文 2. 附近的公園的英文 3. 公園在哪兒的英文 4. 附近的公園的英語 5. 去一些著名的公園英文 6. 附近的公園有哪些景點介紹英文作文 7. 附近的公園有哪些景點介紹英文版 8. 你知道這附近是否有公園嗎的英文 9. 在這附近有公園嗎英文

1. 附近的公園有哪些景點介紹英文

There is a very beautiful near my home.It is very huge.I always play badminton with my friends.There are many flowers ,trees and grasses in the park. It is public for people to visit.I think it is very popular.

2. 附近的公園的英文

自然公園的英文寫作:例句:Tens of thousands of deer are kept in the nature park. 在那座天然公園里養(yǎng)著數(shù)以萬計的鹿。語法說明:nature名詞作定語,修飾park詞匯解釋:


|?ne?t??(r)|(often Nature) [不可數(shù)名詞] all the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people 自然界;大自然例句:nature conservation自然保護


|pɑ:k; 美 pɑ:rk|[可數(shù)名詞] an area of public land in a town or a city where people go to walk, play and relax 公園例句:We went for a walk in the park.我們?nèi)ス珗@散了散步。

3. 公園在哪兒的英文


1. a的用法 可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),且單詞的第一個字母是輔音的時候用a

2.an的用法 可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),且單詞的第一個字母發(fā)音是元音(a e i o u)的單詞。

3.the的用法 在特指前面提到過的事物,世界上獨一無二的事物(太陽 地球等)時在前面用the。

4. 附近的公園的英語


英 [ ?mɑ?k?t ]

美 [ ?mɑ?rk?t ]









【名】 (Market)(塞)馬爾凱特 (人名)


復(fù)數(shù)markets 第三人稱單數(shù)markets 現(xiàn)在分詞marketing 過去式marketed 過去分詞marketed


1. He sold boots at a market stall.


2. A 50% market share is achievable.


3. The market collapsed last October.


5. 去一些著名的公園英文

去公園的英文:Go to the park。park英 [pɑ?k] 美 [pɑrk] n. 公園;[交] 停車場vt. 停放;放置;寄存vi. 停放車輛詞組短語park oneself [俚語]坐下 industrial park 工業(yè)園區(qū)national park (美)國家公園theme park n. (游樂園中的)主題樂園forest park 森林公園擴展資料同近義詞1、public garden公園短語Public Botanical Garden 公共植物園The Public Garden 公共花園 ; 花園 ; 公園historic public garden 歷史城市公園A public garden 一個公共花園 ; 公眾花園2、stopping place停車場短語stopping g place 停車場Prisoners Stopping Place 犯人們在休息stopping place on a journey 出外遠(yuǎn)行時停留的處所

6. 附近的公園有哪些景點介紹英文作文


  Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you

  We first came to the main - the finger peak of the jinggang mountains. It has five peaks just like five fingers. Five peaks refers to the peak in CiPing six kilometers to the southwest, is 1586 meters above sea level. Waterfall scenic hills overlapping peaks, ravines crossbar, exhibition chain, especially rich plant and animal species, is a mountain, water, forests, caves, birds and animals of the original dark show scenic spots.

  To the left of the nozzle in the finger peak and CiPing nine kilometers. Where there are beautiful scenery, fresh air, especially in quxi rhododendron forest valley, bitan overlapping peaks, and to win. Attractions shuikou river valley, Taurus paddle, hundred fold springs, rainbow organ (dragon), lock longtan waterfall, hidden rock star, longmen, etc. Organ is one of the most spectacular is the dragon, dragon waterfall waterfall from more than 70 meters of cloth of cascades down, line became the impact of water flow. I will take you visit here, see you next time!

7. 附近的公園有哪些景點介紹英文版

Huizhou West Lake scenic spot is located in the central area of Huizhou City in the southeast of Guangdong Province.

8. 你知道這附近是否有公園嗎的英文






I took the kids for a picnic in the park after school.



1、artificial park 人造公園

2、beautiful park 美麗的公園

3、industrial park 工業(yè)區(qū)

4、arge park 大公園

5、national park 國家公園

6、private park 私人公園

7、well-wooded park 樹木茂盛的公園

9. 在這附近有公園嗎英文

Is there a park near your school? 肯定回答: Yes, it is.. 否定回答: No, it is not.


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