酒店預(yù)訂郵件英文模板 酒店預(yù)訂郵件英文模板下載

導(dǎo)讀:酒店預(yù)訂郵件英文模板 酒店預(yù)訂郵件英文模板下載 1. 酒店預(yù)訂郵件英文模板下載 2. 預(yù)定酒店的英語電子郵件 3. 英語預(yù)訂酒店郵件 4. 酒店預(yù)訂信函 英文 5. 酒店預(yù)訂單模板英文 6. 酒店英語郵件范文 7. 酒店預(yù)訂郵件范文 8. 酒店預(yù)訂郵件英文模板下載什么軟件

1. 酒店預(yù)訂郵件英文模板下載

First you need to go online and find our website, then under the category of booking, you shall type in your name, telephone and the date when you want to check in. Shortly after you finish booking, a guest manager will get contact with you to confirm you with your booking details.

2. 預(yù)定酒店的英語電子郵件

如何搞定預(yù)訂單 搞定機票預(yù)訂單   機票預(yù)訂單可以通過機票代理商或者預(yù)定網(wǎng)站進行預(yù)定,一般和客服說明是預(yù)訂單后,對方會開具一張預(yù)訂單證明或者郵件。   千萬請注意:機票只需要申請人提供一張訂單可以了,不需要真的交錢出票! 搞定酒店預(yù)訂單   酒店預(yù)訂單就更容易搞定了。國際酒店預(yù)定可以通過booking啊、agoda、hrs等酒店預(yù)訂網(wǎng)站獲得。   這三家預(yù)訂網(wǎng)絡(luò)覆蓋了全球幾十萬家高中低檔酒店,選擇那些可以免費預(yù)訂和取消的酒店,預(yù)定后把對方發(fā)到你郵箱的訂單打印下來就行了。

3. 英語預(yù)訂酒店郵件

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it.

I know that you welcome students from different countries and I'd like to take part in it. I've been learning English for 10 years, and I speak fluent English. What is more, I'll be able to tell students from other countries about China and learn about their countries as well. I hope I will be accepted as a member of your summer camp.

Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua

4. 酒店預(yù)訂信函 英文

scene:the telephone in swan house rings.a captain(c) answers the call.


  c:good morning.the swan house.li ming speaking.may i help you?


  g:what time do you open this evening?今晚你們什么時候營業(yè)。

  c:we open at six thirty, madam.and we take the last orders at ten thirty.


  g:well, i’d like to reserve a table for four this evening.


  c:yes,madam.what time would you like to have your table?


  g:about seven,i think.我想大約7點吧。

  c:a table for four at seven this evening.may i have your name,madam?


  g:leavens,mary leavens.

  c:thank you,mrs leavens.we lood forward to having you this evening.

  謝謝,mrs leavens。我們期待今晚你的到來。

  g:oh, one more thing.any chance of a table by the window?we’d like to enjoy the night view of shanghai.


  c:i see. leave it to me.we will try our best.is there anything else i can for you?



  c:good-bye,mrs leavens.and have g good day.

  再見mrs leavens。玩得愉快。

5. 酒店預(yù)訂單模板英文

I'm waiting for booking the tickets.

6. 酒店英語郵件范文


We four persons are going to spend 3 nights( From Jan 29th to Feb 1st) at your hotel, and four bedrooms needed(不知你的大床房的要求是什么,我就按美國普通的房間寫的,如果不是,可用delux 或者 suite). So we would like to know how much it's going to take and if the breakfast indcluded, if not, please let me know the price as well. Thanks!

7. 酒店預(yù)訂郵件范文

接聽 顧客預(yù)訂電話,然后確認他要住什么樣的房間,如果他對房間不是很清楚的話要你向他解釋說明,確認好后下訂單預(yù)訂房間,如果你是酒店的文員那就可以直接預(yù)訂就OK了,要是你是代理預(yù)訂的那么你以后還要和酒店確認客人是否到店,計算傭金情況,


1 接聽咨詢電話/MSN/郵件,回答客戶的問題

2 查詢相關(guān)酒店價格,提供最優(yōu)惠的價格報給客戶

3 根據(jù)客戶的要求準(zhǔn)確、及時地預(yù)訂酒店

4 協(xié)助辦理有關(guān)改期、取消預(yù)訂等事項

5 對客人提出的特殊要求(如指定房型、餐飲需求等)盡量想辦法向酒店申請給以滿足

6 及時通知財務(wù)核對賬目,收取相關(guān)費用。

8. 酒店預(yù)訂郵件英文模板下載什么軟件




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