南京旅游景點中英文對照 南京景點英語

導讀:南京旅游景點中英文對照 南京景點英語 1. 南京景點英語 2. 南京景點英語怎么說 3. 南京景點英語介紹三句話 4. 南京景點英語名稱 5. 南京景點英語介紹 6. 南京景點英語作文 7. 南京景點英語作文50詞

1. 南京景點英語

Early in the morning, when I searched the Internet, I found there were many news about the Nanking Massacre, our country’s flag had low down half, for the purpose of commemorating the people who were killed during that hard time.

  The massacre is such brutal, about 300 thousand people died, it is shame for our country, the Japanese who did the massacre deny their brutal act all the time.

  As the time went by, Some Japanese want to clear his criminal with denying it, but we can’t forget the pain, we must remember it all the time, so that we learn the lesson and be strong.

  For those 300 thousand people, it will unrespect to them if they are forgotten, we must respect history, now we are still fight against the Japanese government.

2. 南京景點英語怎么說

At present, the Presidential Palace a total area of 9 million square meters.

Today, the Presidential Palace and come up with numerous well-preserved remains of modern Chinese and Western architecture, domestic unique history and culture and the thick atmosphere of precious cultural relics and historical materials, scenic natural environment, and nearly 30,000 square meters of leisure service areas, warm welcome to Since the national and overseas guests.

3. 南京景點英語介紹三句話

Do you know Nanjing? I went to Nanjing in the holidays. If you don’t know it, I’ll tell you something about the beautiful city.

  Nanjing is very large. There are many tall buildings, and lots of flowers and trees. It takes 30 minutes to get to the center of the city by car. When you go there, you must be very excited.

  Fuzimiao is a good place to go shopping in Nanjing. There are many nice streets in it. On the streets there are lots of shops, like clothes shops, bookshops and shoeshops. You can buy anything you like in the shops and you can find souvenirs in Fuzimiao. I like going there because there are a lot of interesting things in it and they make me happy.

  I had a great time in Nanjing. If you can go to Nanjing, you must feel happy.

4. 南京景點英語名稱


一般來說 這種拼音也是跟漢語拼音一樣有對應的 如漢語拼音b對應韋式拼音p, 漢語拼音x對應韋式拼音ts, 漢語拼音g對應韋式拼音k 因此南京就是NANKING了.這是威妥瑪式拼音法。

威妥瑪(1818--1895),英國人。從1841年起在英國駐華使館任職,1871年升為英國駐華公使。 威妥瑪在華任職期間,為了外國人便於學習和掌握漢語、漢字,威妥瑪使用他根據(jù)北京讀書音制訂的拉丁字母拼音方案給漢字注音。這個方案以后被普遍用來拼寫中國的人名、地名等,一般稱為威妥瑪式拼音,如重慶Chungking、成都Chengtu、廣州Kwangchow、南京Nanking、天津Tietsin、桂林Kweilin、臺北Taipei等

5. 南京景點英語介紹

Located at the eastern part of China, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province which is developed in economy in China and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtse River.


Nanjing is situated on the vast plain of the lower reaches of the Yangtse Riverand at 32* 03 ' N, 118 * 47 ' E. It belongs to the northern subtropical monsoon climate zone where the four seasons are clearly demarcated. The annual mean temperature is 16 degress C, the annual even precipitation is 1,106 mm and the frost-free period is 237 days.

南京坐落在遼闊的平原下游的長江Riverand 32 * 03 ' N,118 * 47“e .它屬于北方亞熱帶季風氣候區(qū)四個季節(jié)是清晰界線。年平均氣溫16度C,每年的降水量是1106毫米,甚至無霜期237天。

At present, Nanjing has jurisdiction over 10 districts and 5 counties,c overing an area of 6,516 square kilometers and having a population of about 5,200,000.


Nowadays, Nanjing has developed into a multiple- producing industrial base in eastern China, an important hub of transportation and communication center, one of China's four major scientific research and educational central cities. The gross national products of the whole city in 1995 amounted to 5.8 billion yuan,a 12% increase over the previous year.

6. 南京景點英語作文

Hello, I'm Michael. I think my hometown Nanjing is a great place to visit. It is the capital of Jiangsu Province. It has a long history.

There are lots of interesting places to go. You can see beautiful views in Xuan Wu Lake Park.

You also can take a boat trip on Xuan Wu Lake Park. It will be very comfortable and enjoyable.

The Purple Mountain is another place that is worth visiting.

You can breathe fresh air there. It's also a good place to go climbing.

At the top of the Purple Mountain, you can see the view of the whole city.

If you are an animal lover, HongShan Zoo is a good choice. There are different kinds of animals in it.

Xin Jie Kou is a good place to go shopping. There are hundreds of stops in Xin Jie Kou District.

You can go to the Golden Eagle International Shopping Center to buy some beautiful clothes.

Welcome to my home town!

7. 南京景點英語作文50詞



Since ancient times, a great country has been propped up by great people. Their ideal is "to establish a mind for the heaven and earth, to make a life for the people, to inherit the unique learning for the saints, and to open peace for all ages."


The epidemic situation of coronavirus pneumonia is threatening people's life. We can't go to the cinema, we can't travel, we can't visit our relatives and friends, our families are closed, and the busy streets in the past have become rare.


The 84 year old grandfather Zhong Nanshan appeared in front of us. He is a famous respiratory specialist and a leading figure in the fight against SARS in China. He told the Chinese through the media, "stay at home, don't visit", "try not to go to Wuhan" Then, he turned around and ignored his old constitution.


Take the high-speed rail to the epidemic area in Wuhan at night to understand the progress of the epidemic. In the hospital, he worked hard to get back and forth between hospital beds, laboratories and conference rooms; he sacrificed his rest time to attend press conferences to disseminate accurate information about the epidemic situation; he even had to personally demonstrate such small things as wearing masks. His medical skills and ethics, let us see the hope of victory.

在深夜乘坐高鐵奔赴武漢疫區(qū),了解疫情的進展。在醫(yī)院里不辭辛勞往返于病床、化驗室、會議室之間;犧牲休息時間參加記者會,向大家傳播準確的疫情信息;甚至連戴口罩這樣的小事也要親自示范。他的醫(yī)術醫(yī)德,讓我? ??看到了勝利的希望。


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