
導讀:梅州旅游景點視頻介紹英文(旅游景點英語視頻) 英語介紹景點簡單 請將梅州的一些旅游景點用英語翻譯 梅州有什么好玩的 梅州旅游必去景點介紹 英語介紹家鄉(xiāng)。 介紹梅州的英語作文



? China's? Great Wall is? the greatest? building? project? in human history of civilization.


It? was? built? in Spring? and? Autumn? period ,Warring? states? times,? two? thousand? ? ? years? ?ago.


After? the? Qin? state? unified? China.? The? chinese people? connected? the? Great? wall? of? various? states.


Two generations of? wise? people have constructed? The? Great? Wall? intensively.? ?Vast? its? project.? It? looks? like? rainbow? rolling? forward.? It? was? possible? to? be? called? ?world? miracle.

聰明的兩代人曾經(jīng)密集地建造長城,擴展了它的工程.? 它看起來象彩虹,滾滾向前. 它有可能被稱作世界奇跡。

It? is? the? must? for? chinese? people.? When? you repair? Great? Wall's? ?ruins? in? offical? ?days.

You will not? only? could? witness? Great? Wall's? apparance? that? meandered? in? the? hills? and high? moutains? ,? but? could? also? understand? the? chinese? nation? creation history ,? ?great? wisdom? and? courage of? chinese? people.? In? December 1987, Great? Wall? was? included in ‘’World? heritage? Name? list‘’.

它是中國必須付出的代價,當你在正式的場合下,在廢墟中修建長城,你不僅會見證它在高山和峻嶺中婉延曲折的情景, 也會了解中華民族的創(chuàng)造歷史以及中國人的勇氣和智慧,在1987年12月,長城被歸錄在‘’世界遺產(chǎn)名錄"中。


Jokhang Temple Ramoche Temple Tanghla Pass Kekexili Depopulated Zone Lake Namtso Xishuangbanna Shangri-la Jokhang Temple in(of) Lhasa Ramoche Temple

梅州有什么好玩的 梅州旅游必去景點介紹










My hometown Meizhou located in the northeast of Guangdong province, it is the original family home for Hakka overseas Chinese. Plum blossom is the symbolic flower of Meizhou city. Meizhou also is abundant with mineral resources. There are lots of famous landscapes, such as Qifo tower, Renjing hut and so on. I recommand people to travel to Meizhou in Spring or autumn, when is the most comfortable time in Meizhou.


梅州的文化是典型的客家文化。在區(qū)內(nèi)有很多古樸的客家民居,包括圍龍屋、走馬樓、五鳳樓、土圍樓、四角樓等,其中以圍龍屋最有特色和最為著名。而當?shù)氐奶禺a(chǎn)也以客家文化為特色,包括有金柚、梅菜干、鹽焗雞、客家娘酒、釀豆腐麥芽糖等。 客家山歌是梅州文化的一個重要組成部分,用來傳達客家男女情愛、勞動之樂。廣東漢劇是客家文化結(jié)合廣東文化的產(chǎn)物,也稱為“外江戲”、“興梅漢戲”,在梅縣地區(qū)較為流行。The culture is typical of Meizhou Hakka culture. In the area there are many ancient Hakka, including around the Dragon House, Zoumalou, Wufeng, soil around the building, square building, of which the most distinctive around the Long House and the most famous. The local specialties, featuring Hakka culture, including Citrus grandis, pickled dry, salt-baked chicken, Hakka Niang wine, stuffed tofu, maltose, etc. Meizhou Hakka folk songs are an important part of culture, Hakka men and women used to convey the love, the joy of labor. Guangdong Hakka culture with the Guangdong Han Ju is a product of culture, also known as "play outside the river", "Xing Meehan play" in Meixian more popular.


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