
導讀:黑竹溝旅游景點介紹詞英語(黑竹溝旅游景點介紹詞英語帶翻譯) 黑竹溝的介紹 黑竹溝旅游景點介紹是什么? 求一篇寫峨邊黑竹溝的英語作文! 用英語介紹中國一個名勝古跡 黑竹溝在哪里?


竹溝位樂山峨邊彝族自治縣境內(nèi),美姑線山18公里處的密林深處,面積約180平方公里,生態(tài)原始、物種珍稀、景觀獨特神奇。當?shù)剜l(xiāng)名:斯豁,即死亡之谷。曾被國內(nèi)外輿論廣泛稱為“中國百慕大”的瑰寶。由于黑竹溝藏有不少未解開的“謎”,當?shù)?a href='/yizu/' target=_blank>彝族和漢族把黑竹溝稱之為南林區(qū)的“魔鬼三角洲”。經(jīng)中國森林風景評價委員會審議,黑竹溝2000年2月22日被國家林業(yè)局批準為國家級森林公園。









Hei Zhuggou is a the mountain area or region near SICHUAN.It is called "China Bermuda". It is area is about one hunred and eighty square kilometers.The enviroment is very beautiful and quiet.In this place,there has emerald and there has unique,even some rare animals and plants.And Hei Zhugou is a mysterious place,there always happens some unimaginable things,like:always has some of people and animals are disappear in this place.


Xuzhou Huang Floor In urban ancient Yellow River Promenade in Xuzhou, a towering double eaves of the Antique tower. This is the 1988 restoration of the Yellow House. The history of the yellow home is 900 years ago Xuzhou知府Sushi led people to overcome floods in Xuzhou, in the Song Shenzong yuan Harvest (1078) in Xuzhou City in August on the construction of the East Gate. Because soil can grams of water, painted loess, named Huang floor. There are many inscriptions yellow building, the most famous of them to write a few Suzhesuan, Su Shi wrote the book "Yellow House Fu." "Yellow House to celebrate the" Ancient Eight Sights has become one of Xuzhou. 徐州黃樓 在徐州市區(qū)古黃河畔,矗立著一座雙層飛檐的仿古高樓。這就是1988年修復的黃樓。歷史上的黃樓是900年前徐州知府蘇軾率領(lǐng)徐州軍民戰(zhàn)勝洪水之后,于宋神宗元豐年(1078年)八月在徐州城東門之上建造的。因為土能克水,所以涂上黃土,取名黃樓。黃樓內(nèi)有許多碑刻,其中最著名的要數(shù)蘇轍撰寫,蘇軾親筆所書的《黃樓賦》。"黃樓賞月"亦成為徐州古八景之一。

竹溝位于峨邊彝族自治縣境內(nèi),核心景區(qū)約180平方公里,距峨眉山100公里、樂山大佛150公里。景區(qū)內(nèi)山勢雄險、古樹參天、珍禽比翼、奇花爭艷、瀑布飛懸、云嵐繚繞,因此黑竹溝有中國“百慕大”之稱,1999年被評為國家森林公園。黑竹溝景區(qū)為彝族聚居區(qū),歷史悠久,文化燦爛,民族風情古樸多彩,人文景觀與自然景觀融為一體,旅游資源特性強、類型多、品位高,具有較高的開發(fā)利用價值。 The Ebian Black Bamboo Ditch locates in Ebian Autonomy County, with core spot 180 square kilometers, which is 100 kilometers away from Mt. Emei and 100 kilometers away from the Giant Buddha. In the scenic area, the force of the mountains is dangerous, the old tree are towering, the rare birds wing to wing, the wonderful flower struggles, the waterfall colorfully flies hangs, the cloud mist winds around, therefore the Black Bamboo Ditch has the name of China "Bermuda". In 1999, it was evaluated the national forest park. It is the community area for Yi Minority, the history glorious, culture bright, the national character and style plain multi- colors, the humanities landscape and the natural landscape merge into one organic whole, the traveling resources’ characteristic strong, the types various, the grade is high, all of which have the high development value.







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