寶雞因旅游景點(diǎn)而著名英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō) 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)

導(dǎo)讀:寶雞因旅游景點(diǎn)而著名英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō) 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ) 1. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ) 2. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)作文 3. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹小學(xué)生 4. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)翻譯 5. 西安旅游必去景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ) 6. 西安的旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹 7. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英文 8. 陜西旅游英文 9. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹 10. 陜西著名景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)

1. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)

來(lái)自于美麗的陜西西安I come form the beautiful Xi'an, Shanxi

2. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)作文


Dayan Pagoda is located in Dacheng Temple, Jinchangfang, Chang'an City,

Tang Dynasty (now south of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province), also known as "Tiantan Pagoda".

In the three years of Tang Yonghui (652), Xuanzang presided over the construction of the goose

pagoda of Tibetan Buddhism, which Tianzhu brought back to Chang'an via the Silk Road.

The first five layers are added to the ninth layer, and the number and height of the seventh layer are changed many times.

Finally, they were fixed on the seven-storey tower seen today, 64.517 meters high and 25.5 meters long at the bottom.





Xi'an Bell and Drum Tower is the combination of Xi'an Bell and Drum Tower and Xi'an Drum Tower.

Located in the center of Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi Province, it is a landmark building of Xi'an.

These two Ming Dynasty buildings echo each other with great momentum.

The Bell Tower is an attic building with three eaves, four corners and a cusp.

It covers an area of 1377.64 square meters and is built on the square foundation made of green bricks and white ash.

The cross-shaped cave 6 meters high and wide under the platform is connected with four streets in the southeast, northwest and northeast.







3. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹小學(xué)生


The terracotta warriors and horses, namely the terracotta warriors and horses of the first emperor of Qin, also referred to as the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin, are the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units and the first batch of Chinese world heritage.

They are located in the terracotta warriors and horses pit 1.5km east of the tomb of the first emperor of Qin in Lintong District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province.

Terracotta warriors and horses are a category of ancient tomb sculpture. Terracotta warriors and horses appear as a kind of burial object of ancient tombs. Terracotta warriors and horses are made into sacrificial objects in the shape of soldiers and horses.



兵馬俑是古代墓葬雕塑的一個(gè)類(lèi)別,俑作為古代墓葬的一種陪葬品而出現(xiàn), 兵馬俑即制成兵馬形狀的殉葬品。

4. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)翻譯

Chenggu Town/County ,Hangzhong Ci ty ,Shaanxi Province(因?yàn)槿绻g成英語(yǔ)的話(huà),一定要按照英語(yǔ)的要求:地點(diǎn)書(shū)寫(xiě),從小到大,即:先寫(xiě)小地方,最后寫(xiě)大地方)

5. 西安旅游必去景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)

大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda大雁塔位于陜西省西安市南,唐朝時(shí)修建。七層塔身,通高64.517米,底層邊長(zhǎng)25.5米。

6. 西安的旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹

1 Welcome to Xi’an, one of the oldest cities in China.

2 It used to be the capital city of China for 13 dynasties, so it’s rich in history and culture.

3. As a local here, there are a few places that I’d like to recommend to you .

4. Terracotta Army is a must-see historic site, and it is located in Lintong District.

5. You can also visit the tomb of the The First Emperor, and Lishan Mountains there.

6. There are several places you should go and visit in central Xi’an.

7. You can visit the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower, the Muslim Quarter and the City Wall.

8. You can go up on the City Wall and enjoy the nice view there.

9. There are the Giant Wild Goose Pagodas, Tang Paradise and Shaanxi History Museum in Qujiang District in the south.

10. Shaanxi History Museum is one of the best museums in China because there’s so much you can see there!

7. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英文

xi'an is a beautiful city with a very colorful history.there are so many famous buildings in xian,such as clay sulelievs,banpo village museum and so on.

if one day you come to xi'an,you'd better visit some places of interest,so that you can learn more knowledges about this city.at last,i'm sure that you can have a great time in xi'an.



西安是中國(guó)最佳旅游目的地、中國(guó)國(guó)際形象最佳城市之一 ,有兩項(xiàng)六處遺產(chǎn)被列入《世界遺產(chǎn)名錄》,分別是:秦始皇陵及兵馬俑、大雁塔、小雁塔、唐長(zhǎng)安城大明宮遺址、漢長(zhǎng)安城未央宮遺址、興教寺塔。


8. 陜西旅游英文

Xi' an is the capital of Shanxi Province.It's also one of the most important cities in northwest China.

Xi'an was the capital of 12 dynasties.

It was the starting point of the “ Silk Road"

There are a lot of places of interest in Xi'an.

Xi'an is also a modern city.

Some satellites(衛(wèi)星)and new types of plane are made here.I'm glad to hear that you want to travel to China. strongly recommend you travel in my hometown-Xi'an.

9. 陜西旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹

Xian, called "enterprise" is one of one of the world's four major ancient civilization.譯文: 西安,古稱(chēng)“長(zhǎng)安”,是舉世聞名的世界四大文明古都之一。




10. 陜西著名景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)

The bell tower of Xi'an was built in Ming Hongwu for seventeen years (1384). It was loca ted at the junction of Guangxi Street West of this West Street and confronting Drum Tower. In the past, there was a big bell hanging upstairs, which was used to alarm the time, and it was called "bell tower".


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